Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tex Mex Quiche

 I made quiche tonight with homemade pie crust. It was very good. Watch out though, the pie crust has to chill FOREVER, so plan ahead, but its worth it.

I like how you can see the layers

Pie Crust
1/4 cup solid vegetable shortening (ew)
3 TBS cream cheese
1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 TBS water
1 TBS Milk

In a small bowl, combine shortening and cream cheese and beat until combines. Cover and chill for 2 hours.

In medium bowl, combine flour and salt and mix well. Add shortening mixture and cut it using a pastry blender or two knives, until mixture looks like cornmeal. Sprinkle water and milk over all, mix and form into a ball. Chill for at least 4 hours (ugh).

Tex Mex Quiche
Pie crust (above or store bought)
1 tablespoon cormeal (less)
1 tablespoon olive oil (less)
1 onion chopped
3 cloves garlic, chopped
red or greed pepper chopped (I used red only)
1 15 oz can black beans, rinsed ( I used about 3/4 a can)
1 cup grated cheese
2 TBS tomato paste
4 eggs
1/2 cup sour cream
2 TBS flour
1/2 tsp oregano
1/4 tsp basil
dash or more of chili powder

Preheat oven to 375. Sprinkle cornmeal in bottom of unbaked pie crust and press in.
In skillet, heat olive oil and cooke onions and garlic until crisp tender about 3-4 minutes. place in pie crust.
Layer peppers and black beans in pie crust. Top with cheese.
In a medium bowl, combine tomato paste, eggs, sour cream, flour, oregano, basil, and chili powder. Beat.
Pour over layers in pie crust.
Bake 375 for 35-40 minutes or until quiche is set and puffed and top is light brown.

Layered onion garlic and red pepper

All the layers

In the oven



PS as of Aug 1, I have made this recipe again. This time I added chopped steamed spinach, carrot sheds, and one more egg. It was AMAZING! Everyone that happened to stop by our house that Sunday afternoon while it was cooking and cooling said it smelled so good, they were also impressed to find out that it was quiche and I had made the whole thing including the crust.

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