Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Plant progress

The spinach and zucchini has really taken off.. the rest are growing, but at turtle speed. Remember all of these are from seed.

The spinach

Morning Glory- a flower, actually a vine

The basil has suddenly decided to grow.

Cucumbers growing at turtle speed.

An upside down tomato plant. Like those topsy turvy things that grow the tomatoes upside down.


Close up of all the buds coming on the zucchini

Potted tomatoes.

Carrots, planted about 4 weeks ago.

I may have to split up some of the plants as they get bigger. I already had to split up one zucchini, it was getting so big it had almost choked out everything else in the pot, which were 3 spinaches.

I also have some carnations and a couple other flowers growing but they are so small they are of little significance.

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